Welcome to our school website. We hope that you will find it a useful insight into how things work here at St Teresa’s.
We are a values based school with a strong family feel. Christ is at the centre of all we do and we follow the example of St Teresa of Lisieux, who lived her short life by ensuring that ‘..love proves itself by deeds.’

Our school forms an important part of the bond between parents and the parish. The church and school are on the same well resourced site and we value the community ethos we enjoy together.
Children achieve well across our school and outcomes are strong compared to national averages.
Our most recent OFSTED inspection in July 2022 was extremely positive and affirmed the school’s own view that St Teresa’s is a good school. The excerpt below is taken from the full report, describing what it is like to attend our school.
‘Pupils do their best to live up to the values of the school, which include, for example, teamwork and ambition. They take part in lessons with enthusiasm and work hard. Pupils are happy and safe at school, and they collaborate well with their peers. They trust the adults around them. Pupils are confident that if they have any concerns they can always talk to an adult in school.
Across the school, pupils show ‘St Teresa’s little ways’. These are small, kind deeds like opening doors for adults, or picking up a jumper for another pupil, for example. Pupils try hard to be courteous and respectful towards everyone. Bullying is not something that happens often. If it does, adults very quickly deal with it.
Adults have high expectations of pupils. Staff encourage pupils to never give up and do their best. Pupils meet these expectations as they achieve well across a range of subjects.
Leaders create opportunities for pupils to follow and develop their interests. Budding journalists publish their own termly magazine for the school community. Those who have interests in science and engineering get to present their personal projects to the whole school. Pupils who are keen athletes join inter-school competitions. Recently, pupils received the school of the year award.’ – OFSTED July 2022.
The school was last inspected by denominational inspectors in 2017, who found the school to be offering outstanding provision in all areas of Catholic education, with development points around improving consistency in collective worship and the development of a portfolio of work to support assessment in RE. The school has acted on and moved beyond these action points and is preparing for an inspection under the current inspection framework, which focuses on the Catholic life and mission of the school, prayer and liturgy (including collective worship) and religious education. The school continues to thrive with strong outcomes in all areas.
We are a self improving school and have set ourselves some challenging targets for the current academic year including the single target from our OFSTED inspection to ensure that children know more and remember more through clear and concise teaching in specific areas. In addition to this our overall focus for the current academic year is to improve the following characteristics:
Clarity – being clear in everything we do.
Communication – ensuring that we share information effectively.
Consistency – developing effective ways of doing things every time.
The image below captures our core values, catholic social teaching and whole school priorities on a rose, the favourite flower of our very own St Teresa of Lisieux.
Perhaps the bet way to know more about our school family is to come and see our living values of Love, Trust, Teamwork and Ambition in action. In the meantime, we hope that this website will be easy for you to navigate and get the information you need.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any additional support.