Governing Body Membership 2023 24 Governor Register of Interest 2023 24St. Teresa’s school is Voluntary aided. This means that it is part funded by the Catholic Archdiocese of Southwark. The Governing body is split into four sub committees meeting each term:
- Business
- Teaching and Learning
- Pastoral and Community
- Admissions
Each committee is chaired by a Governor who reports back on progress in the various areas to the full Governing Body once per term.
Children are at the heart of all that we do here at St. Teresa’s and we always ensure that decisions made by the Governing body are for the benefit of children’s well-being and their continued high standards of achievement.
Minutes from all committees are available to view. Please contact Ceylan Luke the Clerk to the Governing body to see copies.
Governing Body Membership 2023 24
Governing bodies have a duty to publish their register of interests. This sets out the relevant business interests of governors, details of any other education establishments they govern, and any relationships between governors and members of the school including spouses, partners and relatives.
Governor Register of Interest 2023 24
The governing body of our school plays a very important part in ensuring that we remain a self improving school.
Governors are the group of people who play a strategic role in ensuring that the headteacher and staff ensure children in the school are taught by the best teachers and support staff and that the school is run effectively to do this.
The three fundamental roles of school governors are defined by the Education Commission for Catholic Archdiocese of Southwark below.
- Setting the school’s vision, ethos and strategic direction;
- Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils; and
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
School governors are volunteers from the parent, staff and parish communities. They work together with the school leadership team in the following committee groups.
Teaching and learning committee – this group focuses on the quality of education across the school. The quality of learning is second only to keeping children safe and is of utmost importance.
Pastoral committee – this group focuses on the way in which children are looked after in school and kept safe. This group also considers the way in which our Catholic ethos is maintained and promoted in line with our school values or Love, Trust Teamwork and Ambition.
Business committee – this group focuses on both financial as well as health and safety compliance. The systems and processes that underpin the way the school operates are a crucial part of the school’s continued success.
Admissions committee – this group focuses on the admissions process detailed in our admissions policy. As we are an oversubscribed school so this is a very important area of school governance.
School governance is both an important and exciting role. The role of governors is central to the school’s continued success and future development. We are always interested to hear from people who would like to know more and talk through the opportunities available in our family school.