Our Faith

Children enter our school with strong family values and faith.

We understand that children see their parents in the image of Jesus. We recognise that parents are the first educators of their child and understand the important part that our school has to play in the whole religious education of the children in our care.


During their time in school children grow closer to Christ. St. Teresa’s Church and the school work together to ensure that the children have a strong formation of faith including a strong understanding of the significance of all sacraments and in particular the First Holy Communion.


A strong programme of Religious Education allows children to deepen their own faith with a deep understanding of the Gospel values in the context of society today.  Children are encouraged to ask questions that deepen their knowledge of other world faiths allowing them to converse with people from other faiths, not being afraid of their own.









The unique support that we receive from the church Pastoral team allows us to promote spirituality throughout the whole day including breaktimes.   



Our committed Faith team are stewards of faith formation and faith in action supporting all pupils, the lead RE teacher/team, families and Church Pastoral workers at every level with knowing God more clearly and loving Him more dearly.


Children express and celebrate their faith in a number of ways. A fine example of this is our excellent school choir, whose love of singing, and singing praise to God combine together to nourish the entire school community in Masses and liturgies as well as in and around the community throughout the year.  




Children leave our school with a secure understanding of the faith, they are able to discern what that means to them and are able to respond to their learning through the decisions and choices they make in their everyday lives. St Teresa’s pupils, present and past, are confident in what they believe and willing to share their faith with others.


Distinctive Catholic Education at St Teresa’s.

Our Patron Saint St Teresa – Click here to learn more about our special St Teresa of Liseux our ‘little flower.

Our School Vision

Our School Story

Catholic Social Teaching principals 

Catholic Social Teaching Characters



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