
“The time is always right to do what is right”Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Our Intent

We believe history should be thought provoking, fun and memorable so that children can take their learning forward into their futures and use it to help them build their own history.  St Teresa’s aims to provide a stimulating and exciting, enquiry based conceptual history curriculum that kindles curiosity and enables pupils to gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world.

Our curriculum is driven by a progression of skills, concepts and key questions that ensure:

  • a broader, more detailed, conceptual and chronologically secure knowledge 
  • a variety of methods of enquiry and communication 
  • a deeper understanding of concepts, issues and of abstract ideas
  • to understand history’s second order concepts:  Continuity and change in and between periods; Cause and consequence ( to question, identify and give reasons for historical events, situations, changes); similarities and differences (children are able to make observations and describe social, cultural, religious and ethnic diversity in Britain & the wider world) and to be able to recognise, describe and Identify historically significant people and events  
  • a greater independence in applying knowledge, concepts and skills which enables pupils to analyse, make links, frame historically-valid questions, enquire and create their own structured accounts

Our Approach

Starting and ending topics with KWL grids (what I know, would like to know and have learnt) and teaching and learning using DEAL (describe, explain, analyse and make links), equips pupils to ask insightful questions, think critically, weigh evidence, challenge arguments and develop their own perspective and judgement of people, places, concepts, civilisations and events, whether they are from time periods within or beyond living memory.  History is taught through a topic led curriculum whereby learning is not only accessed through a dedicated, weekly history hour but also cross curricular through subjects such as; literacy, maths, art, DT, RE, geography, music, science and PSHE, as well as via external trips, visitors and theme days, providing rich and memorable learning for all pupils. 


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