
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” ― Dr. Seuss

At St Teresa’s we provide opportunities for children to explore a diverse range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry. These books are carefully chosen to develop pupils’ vocabulary, language, comprehension and love of reading. We develop word reading  and comprehension through the use of cross curricular themes, story-times, whole class, guided or independent reading. We believe children’s love of literature comes from taking every opportunity to expose them to high quality texts for both the purposes of fact finding and enjoyment. 

By the time pupils leave the school, they are competent readers, who can recommend books to their peers, have a thirst for reading a range of genres and text types, including poetry and participate in discussions about books.

Recommended reading list

Year 1 reading list

Year 2 reading list

Year 3 reading list

Year 4 reading list

Year 5 reading list

Year 6 reading list

Developing reading skills

To be skilled as a reader, it is more than just accurate reading. What is meant and understood can be developed by focussing on these 7 areas. These skills can be shown through the texts, which children read independently but also shown in texts that they have listened to in class:

1. DECODE ACCURATELY  Getting the words off the page 

Use of phonics, sight recognition, context, picture clues

2.RETRIEVAL  Seek, find, understand 

Literal responses to text 

Finding the right parts of the text to answer questions

3.INFERENCE AND DEDUCTION Reading between the lines 

What is meant but not said 

Interpret meaning from what is in the text 

Put yourself in their shoes


Commenting on presentational features 

Why is the text presented and organised as it is

5.USE OF LANGUAGE Use of Language 

Why the writer selects a word / phrase / image / sentence 

Effect of different techniques 

Impact on reader

6.AUTHOR’S INTENT Writer’s purpose 

How did the author want you to think/feel/respond 

Writer’s attitudes and values 

Impact on reader

7.TEXTS AND THE WORLD How the text fits into its context 

Understanding the social, historical, cultural, literary heritage Links with other texts

Celebrating Books


The theme for World Book Day 2021 was Masked Reader. Children chose a character from their favourite book and created a mask. We launched the week with a series of masked readers and children had to guess the staff and their favourite book. This was a huge success and engaged children in conversations about a range of books. 

Can you guess our masked reader? 

Masked reader 1 The Tiger

Masked reader 2 The Dragon

Masked reader 3 DJ Marshmello

Masked reader 4 The First Fox 

Masked reader 5 The Second Fox

The Reveal 

St Teresa’s Best Mask Winners


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