Friends of St. Teresa’s (FOST)

The Friends of St. Teresa’s (FOST) formed in March 2018 as the St. Teresa’s RC Primary school’s Parent-Teacher Association (PTA).

The FOST team bring together the parents, staff and our parish community, and raises funds to further the education of the children at St. Teresa’s, through fun and profitable activities in a safe and friendly environment.

St Teresa’s school motto, “Love Proves Itself by Deeds” reminds us of the importance of actively demonstrating our faith towards one another. It is for this reason that the FOST team hope to support our school community, provide a link between parents and school, and help bring parents together to share as many tools and resources as possible to continue to make a positive difference to the education of the children at St Teresa’s.

In the meantime, the FOST team have agreed to take over running the ‘Good as New Uniform’ to help parents by providing good quality used uniform that has been brought into school, when  children have grown out of it. They will be asking for reasonable donations to raise funds for the playground project.  Please contact the FOST Team (see link above) to request any items you are interested in and make sure you say whether it is for a boy or girl and the approximate size/age required. They will then get back to you as soon as they are able.

Parents who have any uniform that their child has grown out of are welcome to bring in items in good condition, that have been washed, for the Pre-loved Uniform sales.  This will help to keep up the stock and make a big saving for many parents.

Please visit the FOST website for more information, and share your experiences and recommendations on the FOST Facebook page. If you wish to contact the FOST team, please email .

We are delighted to say that we have been able to make a good start on improving our school playground, thanks to the hard work and committment of the FOST team.  They tirelessly arrange events and organise fun activities to raise funds for your children’s benefit.  Please do offer any help you can.

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