International Lego Competition Results

International Lego Day Jan 22

Thank you to all the children who entered the lego competition (and parents who helped to transport the wonderful creations to school).  We are pleased to list the names of the children who won in each of the categories, as follows:-

Buttercup Nursery  – Isla;   Bluebell Nursery – Klaudia:  Blossom Nursery –  Martina;

Rec G -Marcel ;  Rec W – Victoria;   1H  Antonia ;  1WS – Tiago ;  2M – Lucian ;  2E – Ethan;

3P – Oliver P;  3H – Olivia;  4H – Tanino;  4G –  Patrick;  Y5: Tomip;   6W – Evie;   6F – Piotr;

Thank you so much and well done to everyone who took part – there were some absolutely fantastic designs and it was very hard for the teachers to choose a winner from each section.  We definitely have some designers in the making!  The FOST Team raised £70.00 from this event.  Every little helps!


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