Our NED Learning Mantra!

Our learning mantra of Never give up, Encourage others and Do your best (NED) is fundamental to what we do in school (before lockdown) and we celebrate special achievements in NED assembly once a week, where the winners were having a tea party with the Headteacher, getting hot chocolate and biscuit.  However, during the pandemic, we have had to give the children a little bag with an individual hot chocolate and a small treat, instead, which is either posted out or handed to them if they are a key-worker’s child, in school.    

We look forward to using the St Teresa’s NED mugs again in the near future,  for our tea parties. These came from Gracie, Giovanna and Manuela, who donated some of their birthday money to pay for them!  

Acts of random kindness like these, are such a great feature of our school.  Thank you so much.


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