School Dinner menu up to October 2024
School dinners are a popular choice with many children at St Teresa’s. The majority of pupils enjoying a hot, school dinner every day.
Please look for the week beginning date at the side of the menu, as there is a 3 week rotation. You will then be able to see what is available each day, so your child can choose which option they would like.
Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM)
All children in Reception up to the end of Year 2 qualify for the government incentive Universal Infant Free School Meal (UIFSM). This means that all children in these year groups are entitled to have a school meal free of charge.
London Free School Meals (LFSM)
You may be aware that all Primary School pupils in London (except Nursery children) are entitled to a Free School Meal for the academic year 2024.25. So if your child is in Year 3 – 6, you will not have to pay for a meal up to the last day of term in July 2025. We will advise you if this changes for the next academic year.
School Meals
Traditionally children are able to choose from two dishes and a jacket potatio option followed by a tasty desert. The menu designed by Caterlink services, our new school meal providers who asked our children to choose the menu for their meals. All of the meals are well balanced and plentiful.
The cost of school meals for Nursery children only is £2.70 per day or £13.50 per week, which represents extremely good value for money. Meals must be paid for weekly or termly in advance. As we are a cashless school, payments must be made via ARBOR – the school’s online payment system.
Your child may choose to have a meal every day each week or just on specific fixed days each week e.g. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. This is called a meal pattern. To set your child’s meal pattern, please email so that we know which days your child will be having a dinner.
Packed Lunch Meals
Some children choose to bring in a packed lunch from home. Children who have packed lunches eat their lunch at the same time as those children having a school dinner The school operates a nut-free policy and parents are asked to ensure that packed lunches are nut-free. We ask that parents only provide water to drink for children with packed lunches.