Accessing the Friday News Bulletin

Dear Parents/Carers,

We are no longer adding the Friday News Bulletin to our Website but would remind you to access this via your school email account each week.

Visitors are able to request a copy for the school office.

Thank you.

Mr Dachtler.
























Mitcham Firefighters visit to see Y2

Year 2 are currently studying the topic of ‘The Great Fire of London’.  A visit was organised  from Mitcham Firefighters to help spark their learning about modern fire fighting equipment and comparing it to fire fighting equipment from 1666.    As you can see from the photos below – the children found it very interesting and were fascinated by the clothing the Firefighters have to wear to protect themselves.  they also learned about the different tasks that Firefighters have to deal with, other than just fires!  The children really enjoyed seeing the fire engine so close up and watching the power of the water hose.  This was great experience for all involved.

Photographs of 2E from the Firefighters Visit here and of 2M here




International Lego Competition Results

International Lego Day Jan 22

Thank you to all the children who entered the lego competition (and parents who helped to transport the wonderful creations to school).  We are pleased to list the names of the children who won in each of the categories, as follows:-

Buttercup Nursery  – Isla;   Bluebell Nursery – Klaudia:  Blossom Nursery –  Martina;

Rec G -Marcel ;  Rec W – Victoria;   1H  Antonia ;  1WS – Tiago ;  2M – Lucian ;  2E – Ethan;

3P – Oliver P;  3H – Olivia;  4H – Tanino;  4G –  Patrick;  Y5: Tomip;   6W – Evie;   6F – Piotr;

Thank you so much and well done to everyone who took part – there were some absolutely fantastic designs and it was very hard for the teachers to choose a winner from each section.  We definitely have some designers in the making!  The FOST Team raised £70.00 from this event.  Every little helps!


Crackers of Kindness Appeal

Please see our slideshow from the Crackers of Kindness appeal The Faith Team had a wonderful time singing for the residents of a local Care Home.  Giving out the crackers and chatting to the residents – bringing such cheer to them all.  As you can see it was a lovely day all round.  Thank you to Mrs Eaden for organising this event and all the children who took part.

We would also like to thank the parents and children who made the crackers to enable our Faith Team to brighten so many people’s Advent.

St Teresa’s Faith Team for 2021.22

See the lovely photo of our new St Teresa’s Faith Team here

Continuing from last year – Giovanna & Sarah from 6W and Luis from 6F

New this year – Maddison, Lena K, Robin, Olivia, Eldana from 5D

Look out for the wonderful events the faith team organise and support over the next year. They will show their committment to our core values of Love, Trust, Teamwork and Ambition.

Thank you to to Mrs Eaden, for leading the Faith Team and encouraging them to share their faith with the whole school community.





Carnival Day – Monday 4th October 2021


What a fantastic day we had on Monday this week celebrating ‘Black History Month’!  Firstly the weather was in our favour and the sun shone brightly.  The carnival costumes were so colourful and absolutely amazing – the hard work parents and staff went to, to make this occasion so vibrant and fun for everone, was second to none!

We were delighted to have a steel band in school, who played for us outside, sharing their lovely music. Following this, children were able to take part in steel drum workshops and try these instruments out for themselves.  They had great fun and the day went really well.


Last week, St. Teresa’s celebrated STEM week in style and the children had a fantastic week. Central to our theme was celebrating diversity in science, technology, engineering and mathematics careers, and four role models were chosen to really inspire the children. That spotlight was given to Hayat Sindi, Katherine Johnson, Maya Lim and Annie Easley, who are truly extraordinary figures in their fields and a real inspiration.


Throughout the week, the children learnt about these figures whilst also carrying out a huge variety of fun activities in Science, Design and Technology, Computing and Mathematics. It was wonderful to see so many children present their ideas and experiments so confidently at the annual Science Fair as well as amazing ingenuity, problem-solving skills, teamwork and resilience shown across such a wide variety of activities. 


Over the last year, more than ever, we have seen how incredibly important the members of the STEM community are to the world and how much we all owe them. STEM week was a great way to celebrate their amazing work and encourage the children to go and change the world for the better.​

Year 3’s Roman Day

It seems a while ago now but Year 3 enjoyed a great day learning about Romans and dressing up in their wonderful outfits!  The photos below give a great example of how involved they were and the benefits of their experience!  Dressing the part always helps to give them that extra bit of enthusiasm plus having a visitor to the school to enlarge on their topic.  We wanted to share some of their beautiful photos with you.

Catholic Children’s Society Lenten Collection

Kaira, Annabel and Syena have shown exceptional dedication, teamwork and love by giving up lots of their lunchtimes to count the money we collected for the CCS during Lent and I’m delighted to say that we’ve raised £423.08!

Following our Lenten Collection for the Catholic Children’s Society, we are pleased to be able to show you the photo here of their representative Katie, receiving the money from our Faith in Action Group.  The school also received a lovely thank you video from the Catholic Children’s Society too.

Nutrition for Children

If you missed the talk and slide show via the Friend’s of St Teresa’s meeting by Kelly Hodgkins on Nutrition for Children, please do have a look through the slides below.  These give lots of guidance on the importance of proper nutrition for children.

Healthy Eating and Lifestyle 24_3_21

Year 1’s first day back at school

We just wanted to share a few photographs of the Year 1 children, who had a great day back at school.  The children were really positive and eager to learn.

Click  to see the Year 1’s in action  here

The Year of St Joseph 2021

St Joseph has always played a big part in the life of the Church and father of our Lord.  This year is the 150th Anniversary of St Joseph being proclaimed as a patron of the Catholic Church.  Please find out more by clicking the link below, to help understand why St Joseph listened to God and became such a wonderful father to Jesus.

The Year of St Joseph – 2021

Lent Fundraising 2021 and Spring Term RE

We are on our Lenten journey which is coming up to half way now and Easter is fast approaching.  We would ask you to look at The Catholic Children’s Society’s Lent Fundraising 2021 link below, to find out more and understand how this very important charity supports so many people in need.  Our very own Dhiya from the Faith in Action Group talks to you about some ideas on how to raise money.  Please take a look and see what you can do to help. Please bring in all donations following the Easter holidays.  Thanking you for your commitment to helping those in need.

Lent Fundraising 2021

Please see here for information on Spring Term RE, which will enlighten you on what your children are studying. This also gives you some suggestions on how to enhance their understanding.  Please also note the important dates shown for this half term.

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